

Manufacturing and Processors

About Us

Manufacturing is in Chapin's DNA

When American homes were still illuminated with kerosene, Ralph E. Chapin provided it to his customers at his family’s hardware store in Oakfield, New York, along with his business partner and brother-in-law Frank Harris. When he continually noticed leaks with the tanks his customers brought in, Chapin knew he could design and provide something better. This grew to manufacturing storage tanks, pumps, compressed air sprayers and hand sprayers.

It’s been over a century and we’re still designing and producing industry-leading home and industrial sprayers, spreaders, irrigation and accessories. Chapin continues to grow as a global corporation with subsidiaries in the United States and manufacturing plants around the world. Headquartered in western New York, Chapin is a US corporation that employs American workers in our factories and we are actively part of and contribute to the local communities where we manufacture. And… the vast majority of Chapin products are made in the USA with global materials.

Home Base: Batavia, New York
At our home in Batavia, New York, Chapin sprayers are designed, fabricated, formed, assembled, coated, tested, packaged, stored and shipped to customers around the world. One of the world's largest sprayer manufacturing plants, our facilities were created to meet both current and future demands.

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Rep/Contact Info

Accounts Payable
Debbie Lakas
Timothy Onello