Craft Cannery


Food & Agricultural Manufacturers & Processors

About Us

Craft Cannery takes your recipes and creates your delicious and special products, just the way you want them. We specialize in sauces, dressings, oils, marinades, teas, soups, meat sauces, meal-in-jar (like chili and jambalaya) and more.

We make products that go on the shelves in grocery stores (big and small), are served in restaurants, professionally prepared by caterers, sold by local artisan’s at Farmer’s Markets, and more.

Craft Cannery is one of 6 USDA-certified manufacturing canneries in New York State, which allows us to produce meat-based products. The team is currently working on GFSI and Organic certifications, which are expected to be complete by mid-2021.

We want you to know because it’s the center of what we do: Safety is of utmost importance to each and every one of us at Craft Cannery. Regular inspections by the USDA, FDA and New York State keep all of us safe, and we have a Certified Quality Insurance Manager on our Team.

Do you have a product? Are you ready for market? Are you ready for a partnership with our team at Craft Cannery?

Let’s talk.


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Rep/Contact Info

Ryann Guglielmo